Tax technology

We're focussed on delivering tax technology that’s made for the real world. Our solutions are flexible, fitting easily into your existing processes and adding value to your business.

Industry experience
Our team is led by former senior in-house tax professionals. We know what it's like to sit on your side of the fence, and our goal is to build the solutions we wish we'd had in our previous roles.  

Real world approach
Our tools are designed to be practical, taking into account the budgetary and time pressures that in-house tax professionals face. 

Continuous improvements
We believe tax technology is an ongoing journey. You don't necessarily have to make a huge, instant change to have a big impact. Technology can be used to address pain points where they exist and make your tax processes more efficient.

The right answer for you
Every organisation is different, and will have different technology needs. We'll work with you to decide what technology specifically suits your organisation. This could either be a bespoke offering, or one of our off-the-shelf solutions.

  • Indirect tax
  • Direct tax
  • Tax, Risk and Governance

Indirect tax

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Quisque vel diam in dolor ornare pharetra. Integer hendrerit, libero aliquam tincidunt scelerisque, diam lorem vestibulum augue, sit amet bibendum magna erat a augue. Ut in massa vulputate, euismod ligula id, euismod lacus. Nullam pretium dolor eu neque euismod, nec rutrum purus blandit. Nam viverra volutpat fermentum. In consequat, nibh et semper mollis, tellus sem suscipit magna, ac vehicula tellus erat vitae sapien. Morbi bibendum tellus ut ultricies malesuada. Nulla aliquam sodales ligula eget tincidunt.

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Customs dashboard

Effectively report on your customs duty position and control your costs by using our powerful and cost-effective customs duty management software tool.

Explore our customs dashboard software > 

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VAT number checker

Our VAT number checker software validates your customer and supplier VAT numbers in bulk, ensuring your VAT risks are managed effectively.

Discover our VAT number checker solution > 

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NHS dashboard

Designed for the NHS to provide a sophisticated visual overview of your VAT reporting data to help you to efficiently identify funds which can be reclaimed into the core healthcare budget.

Discover our NHS dashboard solution >

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VAT Manager

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed in elementum lacus. Proin laoreet leo id leo suscipit consequat. In sodales lorem in turpis tincidunt hendrerit.Nulla at pharetra


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VAT Automation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed in elementum lacus. Proin laoreet leo id leo suscipit consequat. In sodales lorem in turpis tincidunt hendrerit.Nulla at pharetra


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed in elementum lacus. Proin laoreet leo id leo suscipit consequat. In sodales lorem in turpis tincidunt hendrerit.Nulla at pharetra


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Making tax digital for VAT

A reliable and easy to use solution for RSM clients to meet their MTD filing requirements. The cloud-based solution integrates with Excel, allows you to import data in CSV format and submit information via a tried and tested API connection.  

Find out more about MTD for VAT >

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Digital link assessment

MTD digital link assessment and process review can help ensure full compliance with the Making Tax Digital for VAT (MTD) digital link requirement, which is often the most challenging element of MTD.

Read more about the assessment and process review >

Direct tax

Tax, Risk and Governance